This release, we bring you another set of new features and have even added a whole new module that you can use immediately for free! Read on quickly to find out more.
What have we added
- [Contract management] The new contract management module has been added. This allows you to create order and insight into all agreements your company has with your suppliers but also customers. Do you also use the application management module? Then you can create relationships between contracts and the objects in this module. This allows you, for instance, to record your processing agreements at application & supplier level!
Every SaaS customer can use this new module for free. All you need to do is authorise the relevant users (through permissions) for this module. - [General] The actions can now also generate PDF documents. In these, you can use the variables as you are already used to from the emails and other configurable things within Neo4Z.
- [General] Neo4Z now has a 'waffle menu'. This menu shows all options, whether or not they are in your personal sidebar, to which users have permissions. We will expand this in the future to include various other useful links as well.
- [General] If enabled, users can now recover their password if they have forgotten it. You can enable this through the security settings.
- [General] The timeline items can now be filtered by content. So you can, for example, leave out uploaded documents.
- [Application management] The 'Linked customers' block has been changed to linked organisations and has a new column for the purpose of defining the role. This allows you to link all types of organisations to an object and specify which role that particular organisation has via the role field. You can manage the roles via 'Manage > Look-up lists'.
- [Datasets] It is now also possible to filter by date and date-time fields. To enable this, you need to indicate for the relevant field (in the schedule editor) that the field is filterable.
- [Datasets] The API now supports the option to (re)generate the objectID. This can be done via the schema format or a custom format pushed via the API. For details and how to set this up, see the wiki on our user portal.
- [Datasets] The field type 'ticket' has been added.
- [Datasets] Users can now be authorised separately to add, edit or delete fields.
- [Portal / Automations] The field type 'Regular expression' has been added. This allows you to write your own rules for validating a form field.
- [Portal / Tickets] From now on, you can let your customers enter the (if enabled) urgency, impact and priority themselves from a form.
- [Organisations] It is possible to automatically generate a customer and/or supplier number. The format of the number can be managed from the general settings of the 'Basic registrations' module.
- [Tickets] From now on, it is no longer possible to complete an extended ticket if sub-tickets have not yet been completed.
- [Invoices] The 'external number' column has been added. You can enable it from the settings of the 'Accounting' module.
- [Automations] A 'history page' has been added where you can find the last actions performed per form/flow.
- [Wiki] The table's columns can now also be managed and arranged as you see fit.
What did we change or fix?
- [General] The mobile (portrait) view now no longer shows the [Export] button.
- [General] Showing and saving change history has been improved.
- [Dashboard] The widgets have increased in height by 2 pixels. This eliminates scrolling bars in Google Chrome-like browsers.
- [Management] It was not possible to sort by the 'last click' column within user management.
- [Tickets] A fatal error appeared while filtering on custom handlers.
- Various minor UI tweaks.
For a more comprehensive overview of all changes and additions, see the changelog within Neo4Z. You can find it in the footer, via the page 'About Neo4Z'.
Still have questions? If so, you can contact support. You can do this at [email protected] or by calling (within office hours) 085 - 487 40 90.