In this release, we are adding the following to Neo4Z. As you have come to expect from us, this will become available in your Neo4Z environment (if SaaS) on Wednesday afternoon.
- It is possible to already fill in the checklist for tickets, via the template. This makes normalising tickets/work orders a lot easier!
- New widget: my tickets as a practitioner; shows a table with the tickets registered to your name.
- From now on, you can filter per page separately based on 'active'. To keep this clear, we have also adjusted the personal settings. There you will now find the total overview of your filters.
Also, the display of an archived item has been made the same everywhere.

- Within the footers and actions of tickets, it is now no longer the username but the display name of the respective user that is shown.
- The 'Milestone' (release) field has been added as an optional field to tickets. You can enable or disable this field within management.
- The sidebar of management now no longer scrolls along but has its own scroll bar (if needed).
- The mobile view of the table of tickets has been addressed and now shows the information in a more readable way. Also, the 'end date' field has been added to this view.
- The dashboard user interface has been updated and widgets now have a category and a description. In the future, this will be extended to include shareable dashboard.
- Sometimes it was not possible to link yourself to a ticket.
- It was possible to open a team (tickets), through the admin option for rights groups.
- The point of contact was not loaded well with organisations.
- The breadcrumbs in the header were not shown when an error message occurred.
- The horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the browser near the system log has been removed.
- Sporadically, the option to copy a ticket opened in a new tab.
- It was not possible to upload files to spaces and organisations.
- Field validation within servers has been addressed.
- The 'components' block destroyed content when an error message occurred.