In this fourth release of 2024, we once again bring a lot of new features, improvements and bug fixes to all Neoforce environments! Below you can read -as you have come to expect from us- exactly what we have changed or added.
What did we add:
- You can now generate two 'audit reports' from the admin panel. One report lets you see which users have specific authorisations from both the user account and groups, and the other report reverses this. So you can see what net authorisations a selected user has and how that user got them (group or account).
- In the 'Linked' tab, you now also have the option to see only 'subtabs' that are actually linked. This way you keep your overview clear!
- It has become possible for administrators to place a text on the login screen. This allows you to provide your guests with additional information in advance.
- The timeline now refreshes automatically! This will keep you informed live about any other posts or updates.
- For contracts, you can now also have the objectID generated automatically.
- For lookup lists, you can now (at least already for additional fields and datasets) optionally add a description.
- The relation block in datasets, now sorts all relations in alphabetical order.
- From the sidebar, you can now add a new filter link directly.
What have we changed or improved?
- Mails containing images are now smaller and thus arrive faster/better!
- More data is synchronised -while logging in via Azure - with the local Neoforce data.
- The login fields are now really gone if you force login via Azure.
- For datasets, all fields are now also fillable from the GET parameters in the URL.
In addition to these updates, we have more tweaks! You can find all the details within your own Neoforce environment.