In this week's release, we have added or changed the items below.
What's new?
- The tickets API now also allows you to use an e-mail address of the person/caller.
- The option to use the operators EMPTY or NOT EMPTY in triggers has been added.
- A widget has been added for automations (open streams).
- A description has been added to the admin user page.
- It is now possible to edit objects in bulk from the index pages.
- A second button has been added at the bottom for bulk editing.
- Invoices now also show the customer's VAT number (optional) on the PDF.
- Added the columns required for a billing address @ organisations.
What did we change or fix?
- Several minor UI fixes.
- The 'visiting address' and 'mailing address' block have been merged into one block (also added 'billing address').
- It was not possible to search IN columns of searchable fields in datasets.
- Fix for hire in the accessories and products block.