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Release notes 2024

Release notes v24.09: Liking timeline items, API enhancements and more

Door 5 September 2024No Comments

The September 2024 release brings an array of new features and improvements to Neoforce. You may have already noticed that this release is one day later than you are used to. This has been a conscious decision to ensure that everything works as it should and to ensure the highest standard of quality and reliability.

We are constantly striving to perfect our software and give you the best possible experience. Read below to see what this new version has to offer!

What have we added?

  • You can now like timeline items! With this, you improve your internal communication by easily giving feedback. The author of the post receives a notification when someone likes his or her post. Don't forget to activate this option in the general settings.
  • Users can now follow items. When you follow an item, you will receive a notification every time there is a change or new timeline item.
  • Added variables for tracking systems.
  • API tokens can now be whitelisted based on IP address, providing additional security.
  • Expanded API: We added a new endpoint to the API that allows you to view the change history of items. This gives you more control and insight into changes.
  • New field types in table fields: Table fields, both for datasets and additional fields, now support additional field types such as:
    • Organizations
    • Suppliers
    • Customers
    • Persons (single and multiple)
    • Checkmarks
  • More flexibility in personal data: On the 'people' page, you can now disable certain fields such as 'title', 'gender', 'username', 'role', 'status' and 'language' for a clearer view.
  • Improved settings: The configuration of the sidebar and tables has been made more user-friendly. You can now easily search for items within the settings, including a search bar in the [Manage columns] modal.
  • Manual sorting of ticket buckets: You can now control how and in what order the buckets of tickets are displayed using manual sorting.
  • Bulk edits: It is now possible to bulk edit assets, categories and subcategories for tickets. You can also edit fields of type 'slider', 'country' and 'person' in Datasets in bulk, as well as the start and end date of processes and contracts.

What did we adjust or fix?

  • Improved performance: Several optimisations have been made to improve the overall performance of the platform.
  • Efficient loading of timeline items: Instead of loading all timeline items at once, additional items are now added as you scroll further down the page. This ensures faster load times and a better user experience.
  • We no longer use the term 'User' in projects and timesheets. As with tickets, we now refer to them as 'Handler' to promote consistency.
  • No more default date for payments: In the payments module (invoices), a default date is now no longer entered for payments, giving you more control over your payment processes.
  • Customised way to add existing documents to a document field in Datasets.
  • It was not possible to open the KVK modal from an existing organisation. This problem has now been fixed.
  • You can no longer create timeline items with a category for which you have no filters.
  • The problem where the removeMarkdown function recognised bold text as a bullet point has been fixed.
  • The search bar within automations is now displayed correctly.

In addition to these improvements and new features, we have made other tweaks to further optimise your experience with Neoforce. From minor bug fixes to subtle improvements in the user interface, our team is constantly working to refine the software. You can find the full list of all changes within your own Neoforce environment.