Also in week 22, Neo4Z added several additions. Of course, improvements have taken place again.
What has been added?
- The 'tags' field has now been given the option to be disabled in both the basic registrations module and the application management module.
- Within servers, a 'classification' field has been added.
- When a comment/request is posted that contains a ticket number, it is now possible to click on the ticket number. Tickets has also added a new field called 'target date'.
- From now on, new triggers can be added to actions. In addition, it is now also possible to suppress actions.
- An API request will now save the last time/date from now on.
- It is possible to upload photos directly from your smartphone.
- Duplicate files and/or files with the same name can now also simply be added within Neo4Z.
- Under the general settings of management, notifications (notifications) and log entries can be set after how many days they are automatically deleted.
- The 'Successfully saved' message will automatically disappear again after 3 seconds.
- Tickets can now be sorted or grouped using buckets. Grouping is possible by (if available) the fields: status, type, priority, impact, urgency and milestone.
- Several new filter options are available for tickets.
- Datasets can now also be sorted via the 'Sort -and-filter' button.
- Datasets can now have a 'formula' field. Within this field, you can use ES6/Javascript or Neo4Z Variables to calculate values.
What has changed?
- The back button on a smartphone has been removed to save space. From now on, the browser's back button will have to be used.
- Changes have been made to the sort and filter menu within the ticket index.
What solutions/improvements have taken place?
- Disabled fields were possible to choose as columns in tables.
- It was possible to sort on disabled fields.
- Not all numeric fields were numeric and thus allowed text.
- No errors were shown (if any) for organisations or locations.
- Amounts were rounded at servers.
- If sites were disabled, it was still possible to visit them.